New Project Statement: Cinematronics Exercisor

From: fishd <>
Date: Mon Jul 28 1997 - 19:25:29 EDT

  Earlier this afternoon Steve Ozdemir and I made an agreement which will
hopefully result in the repair and duplication of Steve's Cinematronics
Exercisor. I'm sending this e-mail out to the group for two reasons;
first, to make any interested parties aware of the project and, second, to
set up a means of traceability and accountability for any items which will
be exchanged between Steve and myself. The project will kick-off when Steve
receives this e-mail.

  OK, now that we've got that part out of the way... What it boils down
to is this, Steve's going to lend me his Cinematronics Exercisor for a short
time so that I can reverse-engineer it, repair/replace the missing connector,
and figure out how it is suppose to be used. I'll send complete schematics
to as soon as possible. I plan on cloning the board and getting
the original back to Steve no later than September 30th 1997, this should
be more than enough time to finish the project. I also agreed to provide
status reports at all milestones such as board received, test bed up and
running, schematics done, etc. A users manual will also be written which
will describe how the board is to be used, assuming I get it to work.

I gave Steve my word that I'd start this project as soon as I receive the
board so that I can get the original back ASAP, now you guys are all
witnesses. I know I'm not THE most qualified guy for the job but wish me
luck anyways ;-)

David Fish | "We want...Information. INFORMATION
Melrose, MA USA | You won't get it! | By hook or by crook we will" | _The Prisoner_
Received on Mon Jul 28 16:25:33 1997

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