Re: Tailgunner has a special monitor?

From: Gregg Woodcock <>
Date: Mon Aug 11 1997 - 18:23:00 EDT

In message "Re: Tailgunner has a special monitor?", you write:

>At 11:34 AM 8/11/97 -0700, you wrote:
>>Hmm..that's weird. The schematics for TG show XDAC out going to the CPU
>>board, then through the CPU over to J4 pin 4 where it goes to the audio
>>board. The comparitor output comes back on J4 pin 10, which is the compare
>>bit. It doesn't show another cable going up to the monitor.. Maybe they
>>bypassed the loop-through on the CPU?
>There's definitly wires coming from the monitor's little 8 pin DIP socket to
>the sound board (Four I believe: +15v, -15v, GND, DAC-Out). The the
>comparator's output is brought over to the CPU on the sound card ribbon cable.

Be aware that the (TG2)joystick also gets its voltages from that spot!
I had one of the regulators go bad and EVERYTHING worked pretty good
(good sound, good picture, good gameplay) except the joystick was dead.
I though it was -12VDC it was missing but I could be wrong.

THANX...Gregg   day 214.684.7380  night UNLIST/PUBL   TEXAS NOT CANADA!
"If you quote me on this I'll have to deny it; I won't remember because
I have such a bad memory.  Not only that, but my memory is *terrible*."
Received on Mon Aug 11 15:28:40 1997

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