Battlezone story

From: Mark Jenison <>
Date: Mon Aug 25 1997 - 15:45:15 EDT

Hi all!

A co-worker stopped by my office after lunch and said he saw a Battlezone
sitting out in the garbage near his apartment. Figuring I could get some parts
at the least, I recruited my cubical neighboor who has a truck and we set out
to get this Battlezone only two blocks away.

Well, to my suprize, it was the very same Battlezone which I had sold to
someone a year and a half ago! Monitor and boards were still there! The only
thing missing was the foot step, which I had to remove for the seller for him
to transport it in his vechile; the bolts were still in the coin box, so I can
only speculate he never installed it, and threw it out a long time ago :-(.

So anyway, now I have my Battlezone back! Later this week I'll power it up to
see if there was a reason for them throwing it out, but it is still in great
shape cosmetically. If anyone has parted one of these things out and has a
spare foot step laying around, let me know! :-)

____________    ______  ___  _____  __                       ____________
               / __/ / / / |/ / / |/ //|/|/|_______________
Mark Jenison  / __/ /_/ /    / / |  // | / |__  __/ _  /__ \ Sega/Gremlin
jenison@     /___/___/_/_//_/_/_/|_//__|/__| / / / // /    / Color Vector                         /_/|_|  /_/ /____/_/|_|  Arcade Games
____________     The One and Only 4-player vector game       ____________
Received on Mon Aug 25 12:45:55 1997

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