re:Wells Gardner tempest hv cage

From: Mark Shostak <>
Date: Sun Dec 07 1997 - 20:18:00 EST

In message "well gardner tempest hv cage", writes:

> Well... I have found an overseas manufacturer that will make the
> transformers custom for the Wells Gardner vector monitors.

This is graet! :)

> The only problem is that I need to order 100 min.

This isn't so graet. :(

Looking back on the WGs I've encountered (about 20), I've only
had one bad fly back. Maybe other people have had higher mortality rates.?

However, just about every broken Ampliphone I've ever seen has
had a bad fly back.

The obvious question: can they make the Wintrons?

Personally I don't need any WG fly backs (yet).
However, I'd take a bunch of $60 Wintrons
(assuming they were of the same quality).

FWIW, good work either way.

Received on Sun Dec 7 17:21:12 1997

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