RE: Cinematronics multigame?

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Fri Mar 13 1998 - 15:10:39 EST

> Sean Riddle was working on a universal control panel (and was Paul or
> Zonn looking into patches?), but I don't think Sean got far
Ahhh. That's who I remembered. (Sean and Paul, that is.)

> I'd like to get Space Wars, Barrier, Rip Off, Star Castle, War of the
> Worlds, Armor Attack and Solar Quest all squeezed into a Rip Off
> control
> panel.
That's about what I was hoping for since the only machine I have is a
Rip Off...

> ps - Wish I could get Joe interested in just reproducing the Space
> Wars
> and Barrier sound boards. Low component counts and simpler designs.
> I'd hope that means they'd be easier and just the perfect candidates
> for
> projects to practice on before taking on the more challenging
> "Universal
> Cinematronics Sound Board" project.
I'd go for that. I discovered that Diamond uses the Analog Devices
ADSP2181 DSP on the Monster Sound Card... Sooooo... I got a 2181 EZ-KIT
and might try some DSP. I'm not thinking of actually recreating the
correct sound effects, I'm thinking more along the lines of a glorified
sample-player. (This solves the Sega Multigame sound problems to a
certain degree too.) I barely know enough about DSP to even be
dangerous, but the 2181 looks pretty beefy and simple to use. (It has
16K of internal Data and 16K or Program RAM onboard, so all you have is
the DSP, Crystal, EPROM(s), and CODEC. Pretty clean.) The EZ-KIT is
only $89 and looks like it should work for all the development (and
probably be an OK "production" platform too if interest is too low to
merit a run of PCB's).

> But hey, if Clay is getting interested in this area, maybe reproducing
> Space Wars or Barrier sound boards is the simple project he's looking
> for? (You think if I drag Zonn into this by suggesting that
> "Remanufacturing sound boards just goes over Zonn's head", then
> there'd
> be some rapid progress? 8^) 8^) 8^) Nothing like some competition
> among our best and brightest, eh?)
Nahhh, Zonn's just too *CHICKEN* to try reproducing a Space Wars or
Barrier sound board. *bwwwwockkk!* *bwock* *bwock* *bwock!!*

(Fine, laugh. Let's see *you* spell the noise a chicken makes. *cluck*
didn't look right.)

Nothing like some juvenile peer pressure to get the ball rolling!


(Don't worry, I'm finishing the Sega Multigames first. And trying my
new ESB idea...)
Received on Fri Mar 13 12:12:15 1998

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