Warrior sound & other stuff

From: Jeff Anderson <mayday19_at_IDT.NET>
Date: Thu Mar 26 1998 - 21:05:22 EST

hey all,
I was playing around with my Warrior lat night, I needed to put in a new
speaker since the old one has been shot since I got it. I put a new 8"
8ohm speaker, and it is loud as hell. I assume there is a problem with the
sound board since the last speaker was obviously blown, the surroud was
totally rotted away, and somebody jammed a lot of foam behind the cone to
quiet it a little! The volume is all the way down and it is still much
louder than it should be. What is the value of the volume pot supposed to
maybe the wrong value was installed? otherwise what can I do, just stick a
resistor inline with the pot?

I was also playing around with my Boxing Bugs board sets, and I got one of
them to come up (kinda). I set the jumper to NORM and tested it in an AA
cab. The LED satys on for about a second, then goes out, but there is no
display. For the split-second where the LED turn off, I can hear vector
chatter, but it stops about as soon as it starts...

What should I be looking for here? I dont have anything but a multimeter
right now.. but I do have a manual for the game which loks mighty helpful,
it is a very complete manual..

one more thing.. I got my Speed freak board working (works fine in AA),
but the monitor (not the sound board, I left it unplugged) blows
the+30 breaker after about 5 seconds. All the regs are putting out the
corct voltage, and as long as the breaker is on, i hear chatter so I
assume the deflection circuitry is working OK. If I turn off the lights in
the room all I see on the screen is a HUGE white "splotch" until the
breaker blows. My guess is low HV? The HV must work
somewhat 'cause I hear the static, but maybe the Tripler is bad? all the
diodes check out. Can I test the tripeler with a meter?

big thanks in advance!
 Jeff Anderson
Received on Thu Mar 26 18:06:41 1998

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