Vector Games for Sale/Trade

From: Corey Stup <>
Date: Tue Apr 07 1998 - 12:06:45 EDT

I'm looking to sell or trade off some of my vector machines that don't
get much time anymore.

Pictures may be available for anyone interested.

Heres the list:

Major Havoc. Tempest upright conversion.
        No side art (just white). Marquis is good, no major cracks. Control
panel is fair - "seam/edge" is worn away.
        Game board comes up, worked the last time I played the machine (6-9
months ago). Power supply is good. WG monitor is all there, but needs
a little work. The driver transistor harnesses are missing (easy to
make new ones.)
[Someone is already interested in this - they have right of first

Asteroids Deluxe: (upright)
        Excellent side art, few scratches, one gouge. Marquis perfect.
Control panel very good, no burns. Everything there.
        Game works great. Monitor, board, power supply all working.
Asteroids: (upright)
        Excellent side art, very few scratches. Marquis perfect. Control
panel EXCELLENT (nicest one I've seen).
        Nice bright monitor - _very_ slight burn. Working all the way.

Battlezone: (upright)
        Good side art. Marquis perfect. Control panel very good. Step
fair. One of the bellows is bad. Includes a spare set of controls.
        Monitor has a little "jitter" in the picture - I'm sure a cap kit would
take care of this. Otherwise, it works good.

Omega Race: (mini)
        Few scratches, cabinet in overall good shape. Marquis is cracked on
one edge. Control panel good.
        Board works great. Monitor nice and bright. Overall nice game.
For more information about any one of these items, please send mail.
Games are located in Louisville, KY, and shipping is possible (Forward
Air, or Doddle or equivilent) at buyers expense.

I'm interested in trading for pins. Email with what you have
Received on Tue Apr 7 09:07:48 1998

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