Space Wars question, and an Atari question...

From: <>
Date: Thu May 14 1998 - 20:10:01 EDT

Hi all,

This may be a dumb question, but can I test other cinematronics boards (star castle, ripoff,
etc) in a Space Wars cab? I didn't see the pinout for Space Wars on spies, so I thought I'd
check with the experts b4 I tried it.

Another question: I've got a Battlezone that generally works fine, but sometimes it locks
up. When it does so, the start button goes solid red, and the spot killer comes on. Any
thoughts as to what's going on/where I should start checking?

Also, I've got a spare Omega Race flyer if anyone needs it.

Also also... is the Cinematronics page being maintained anymore?

Just thought I'd break up some of the highbrow techno-talk that I don't understand w/slightly
inane writings. The scheduled over-my-headness may now continue! ;)


Received on Thu May 14 17:11:53 1998

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