Re: CRT gun driver levels?

From: Ed Henciak <>
Date: Thu Aug 20 1998 - 17:54:40 EDT

I don't know about tthe color games, but I believe Solar Quest used 64
different intensities. I think another DAC was used to control the Z
axis, and the intensity value was latched by the bit that normally handels
on and off. I forget where the intensity value comes from...Zonn?


I'm almost positive there are a couple other cine vector games that used
multi-level intensities

On Thu, 20 Aug 1998, Clay Cowgill wrote:

> After promising myself I was NOT going to look at the
> Cinematronics->Wells Gardner monitor adapter I somehow managed to start
> tinkering with it at lunch today...
> Anyway, I was plinking around with one of the schematics from Al's scans
> with Electronics Workbench and noticed what I consider "odd" behavior in
> the Z-output section.
> Do any of you have a feel for CRT electron gun drive levels and what's
> reasonable? I seem to recall 4V being about peak into a vector monitor
> and black level being maybe 1.8-2V?
> How many intensity levels did the Cinematronics vector stuff use? The
> circuit I'm playing with seems to output 0V, 2.27V, 3.99V, and 4.07V.
> That's telling me it's really just two intensities and "off". Is .08V
> enough to even see a difference on a BW vector display? (I wouldn't
> think so, plus the difference is probably smaller than is caused by part
> tolerances anyway...)
> Curious to hear anyone's experiences w/ this stuff.
> -Clay
> BTW, I'm out of the new SW/ESB boards at the moment, so I'm getting a
> few more PCB's run. Anybody have a good source for X2212's (novram)?
Received on Thu Aug 20 16:54:48 1998

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