RE: WG 6100 XY problems...

From: Keith, Brendan <>
Date: Wed Sep 16 1998 - 09:16:30 EDT

Just a thought, but I'm currently working on a couple of Tempest
board sets. One of them reports a bad RAM but you can still switch
out of test and play it. During different stages of the game, the
will collapse to a quarter or to the left or to a horizontal line. It
like crazy deflection problems but the monitor is actually fine.

That sounds similar to your second problem.
Maybe not the problem you're having but it might come in handy
for someone.

As for your first problem, I had similar symptoms on my Star Wars
Turned out to be a loose ground wire from the deflection board to
the chassis.

Now, my other board. I need a little advice. It was running fine
then suddenly all Y deflection gave out. Right at the board.
The Y Out line seems pegged at a negative voltage.
I noticed that the supply voltage was actually about 6.2 VDC.
Is this likely to burn out a DAC? I'm going to hunt for the
schematics this morning.

Brendan Keith
Received on Wed Sep 16 08:16:36 1998

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