RE: Quantum picture crooked, spot killer flickers...

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Mon Oct 05 1998 - 16:06:32 EDT

> I can put a cross hatch up in test mode, as well as a diagonal grid,
> but in
> attract mode, things start flickering, and I get the spot killer every
> time
> "Quantum" is drawn on the screen. Any ideas on this? Perhaps its the
> 8-bit
> DAC? Please help if you can, I'm stuck on this one. I don't know what
> the
> signals should look like as normal, and becuase I'm getting signals,
> it's
> making it hard to find where the troubles are.
If it's like the other Atari stuff the DAC08 (MC1408) will handle
scaling as well as color intensity. Do you gets color output OK?

> Also, I'm trying to get the following chips, please help if you
> can:
> Here are the AVG parts that I am trying to get. Pulls are fine (as
> long as
> they work):
> UC1495N (4 of these) Atari part # 37-1495 Multiplier integrated
> curcuit
> AM6012 (2 of these) Atari part #137158-002 12-bit DAC
> DAC08CN (2 of these) Atari part #137159-001 8-bit DAC
> 13201-5 (2 of these) Atari part #37-13201 Quad analog switch
If you're still stuck I can get you all of these. $45 for the above
list plus shipping.

> Please let me know if you can get these, and what they will cost. I
> really
> appreciate your help!
If you want to order separates (and maybe say some $$$ over my price):

Hamilton Hallmark has the MC1495P
AM6012's are trickier. Don't know where to fine originals for any
reasonable amount...
DAC08CN's cross to MC1408's (8 bit) should be able to get from JDR.
Quad Analog Switch should cross to a DG201. Should be able to get from
Received on Mon Oct 5 15:06:43 1998

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