Re: Amplifone

From: Joel Rosenzweig <>
Date: Fri Nov 13 1998 - 08:03:20 EST

Ed Henciak wrote:

> ObVector : Has anyone tried that regulator mod Zonn posted a while back for
> the Amplifone. I believe it was a pass transistor on each 24V
> regulator...did this work any wonders for anyone?

I performed this mod. I originally asked about it because I was hoping that
adding the regulation would remove some screen jitters and allow the display to
look rock solid during the explosion sequence.

In my case, I didn't experience any noticeable difference in performance after
installing the regulators. However, I remotely mounted the transistors onto
heat sinks, about 2 inches away from the board, and Zonn felt that remotely
mounting them was sub-optimal because the distance was now too great. He
mentioned something about adding some capacitors to the mix, but I forget the
details. I haven't made my way back to this project, so I haven't tried
relocating the transistors or the other suggestion that Zonn made.

It certainly didn't hurt anything. If you try it, locate your transistors as
close as possible to the PCB.

Received on Fri Nov 13 07:01:45 1998

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