Re: 19V2000 HV Level and Problem

From: <>
Date: Sat Nov 14 1998 - 18:46:54 EST

On Sat, 14 Nov 1998, Simon Whittam wrote:

> On the subject of HV, I have a 19V2000 (P299?) in an AST DEL that
> has 14KV for about two minutes and then it starts to drop to
> 7KV and stablizes. The effect is a screen that gets bigger and
> bigger and bigger so that you can only see the 3" square center
> of the screen. I've installed a cap kit, replaced the small TO92
> drive transistors for the series BJT (not replaced though), and
> replaced the two zeners in the error amp/regulator section. But the HV
> still drops.
> (NOTE: I've narrowed it down to the HV cage but testing in another cab with
> known good
> deflection board and CRT etc).
> Do I need a new HV diode (suspect leaking?)? Connector issue (though
> I have reflowed the connections)?

        I assume you're measuring the HV at the anode (i.e. after
the HV diode?)

        The connector on the HV diode is really cheesy, itself.

        Take the diode out of the connector, and if it doesn't
self-destruct, clean it off. There will likeley be all kinds of
gunk on it, and on the two connectors that connect to it. Clean
out the connector ends too, and see if that helps.

Received on Sat Nov 14 17:46:57 1998

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