Re: LV2000 demands

From: Gregg Woodcock <>
Date: Sun Dec 06 1998 - 18:48:55 EST

> I was thinking about this, and this message might be high
>on the "duh" factor, but....
> Doesn't the monitor chassis itself act as a huge heatsink?
>Adding a TO-3 heatsink wouldn't seem to increase the heat transfer
>from the transistors, by much, because they're adding only a small
>amount of surface area, compared to the metal chassis of the
>monitor, itself.

The "duh" is that you are forgetting about the mica insulator which sits
between the transistor and the chassis; the heat sink will DIRECTLY TOUCH
the transistor and sit ON TOP OF the mica insulator. Much heat transfer is
lost because of this (absoultey necessary) insulator.
Received on Sun Dec 6 15:54:32 1998

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