RE: New Vector Games

From: Ozdemir, Steve <>
Date: Thu Dec 17 1998 - 18:01:31 EST


Yes, that's true. But I'm thinking of the scalability of the interconnect
cabinet approach. Much more complicated, but then people with 3 cabinets
could have 6 players, and 4 cabinets means Tan...I mean, Space Duel 8!

Of course, the next obvious extention (or short cut if you run out of horse
power) is to get rid of those pesky asteroids. Thus, you have....


Oops, Zonn beat me to the punch, didn't he? But I'll point out that the
Space Duel approach gives you the ability to link players in multi player
space wars!

                Steve Ozdemir

ps - Now, Zonn, come with me to the "hackers addicted to ancient games"
recovery program.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, December 17, 1998 2:54 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: New Vector Games
> "ps - Don't tell me that people owning more than one Atari XY comprise too
> small a segment of the market. Think "If I build it, then they will
> a second cabinet just to play my game!"
> "
> adding control multiplexing to support four players on the same game board
> would be interesting, too, and a lot easier to synchronize :-)
Received on Thu Dec 17 17:01:46 1998

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