Re: New Vector Games

From: Jeff Anderson <>
Date: Thu Dec 17 1998 - 19:24:24 EST

Ya know.. Maybe you could bring the old april fools joke to life.. Tempest
2.. Make it the same game from the players point of view.. but each
player will have their own end of the tube and the enemies start in the

Too bad you couldn't do a similar linking technique with MH.. Dont change
the game, but add in a competetive mode where the players start each level
the same time and have to race to beat the reactor at the end. The
opponent would be visible on the other players screen..

The idea of multiplayer-multicabinet vector games is just too cool.. I'll
make sure to keep an eye out for more space duels. :>

Received on Thu Dec 17 18:24:31 1998

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