Re: To gut or not to gut, that is the question...

From: Miranda K. Collins <>
Date: Thu Jan 07 1999 - 14:07:00 EST

My question is...what version are the ROMs?! :)

Either I had a very real dream about this, or I have abused my brain far
too much since and scrambled my memory, but I swear I saw some people
escaping death from the "fuse" in two-player-attached mode at the time
Space Duel first came out. As I recall, they would hold down the shield
button and thrust at full speed. Oh and it was at a Chuck E Cheese. The
fact that I remember the exact surroundings makes me think I really did
see this. Could they have been prototype ROMs? Are there even version 1
ROMs out there? I have only heard of version 2.

Miranda (who is obsessed with "new" versions of ROMs)

P.S. Before someone asks...No, I never [thought I] saw anyone get to the
mountains in BattleZone!!! :)
Received on Thu Jan 7 13:07:37 1999

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