Help with asteriods recontruction plan?

From: Frank Kannemann <>
Date: Thu Jan 21 1999 - 01:50:02 EST


I think I went 1 (one) step backwards with my asteriods machine.

I thought I had it boot up successfully and did the coin test.

I moved it and removed the flo tube/balast/starter used it for my
SpaceDuel machine.

Now the machine just beeps in diag mode and flashes both console

So, I thought I was moving to diagnosing the tube but I suspect I need
to move back to motherboard?

Is the spot LED the only one on the board in the tube chasis?

From the same area I was getting a electronic burning smell...
so I power it off...I thought I saw a faint wisp of white smoke...No
visible (at least to newbie eyes)

So, gentelmen any thoughts?

I have put up pictures at
Received on Thu Jan 21 00:52:16 1999

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