Re: Asteroids Rom questions

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Thu Feb 04 1999 - 01:35:33 EST

Hi Micheal!

Atari used 2716's interchangably with the Proms. You sould have no
problem, certainly the Proms were not encrypted in any way.
Here's a "dumb" question, though...What's a "windowed" Asteroids?

John :-#)# wrote:
> Hello,
> I was talking to a friend today, and he was telling me that you can't use
> windowed roms on an Asteroids board. I've seen Asteroids boards with windowed
> roms, but he claims you need the "prom" style roms for it to work. Is there an
> encryption in this that I don't know of?? Can you burn a set of 2716's and
> replace the "prom" style roms?? Please help if you can,
> Thank You,
> Michael Kelley

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Received on Thu Feb 4 00:36:08 1999

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