Asteroids Deluxe in Color (cross post)

From: <>
Date: Fri Feb 05 1999 - 11:48:21 EST

Hello Everybody,

     I saw this on RGVAC, and thought I'd put it up here. Jess you might want
to add this to the Asteroids Deluxe page on Game Archive. Andy's idea seems
really nice.

>>Subject: Plans for "Colorizing" the Asteroids Deluxe
From: "andywarren" <>
Date: 2/4/99 9:06 PM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <79djmn$h7i$>

I finally finished the docs and proofreading. Thanks to all who motivated &
helped me.
This ones for you: Hope the "ASCII ART" comes out correctly.

Andy Warren's Color Asteroids Deluxe Modification 02-01-99

What you need:
Color X-Y display: Ampliphone, WG, or EH (working)
Asteroids Deluxe board (working)
(1) 7407 (or 7417) OC buffer JAMECO#49120 45cents
(3) 1/4 watt 2.2k ohm resistors (red-red-red) RS#271-1325 49cents for 5
(3) 1/4 watt 100 ohm resistors (brown-black-brown) RS#271-1311 49cents for 5
(3) 2N3904 NPN Transistor RS#276-2016 59cents ea

Locate the 74LS175 at board location M6
We're going to "piggyback" the 7407 ontop of it except there aren't the same
number of pins on each. We'll bend the legs on the 7407 to connect to the
appropriate leads of the 74LS175. View of the LEFT side of them:
(pin 1's are connected for support only)

       / /
      ) /
    ___________________________ <---7407
   (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
__/_________\_____/__________\_ <---74LS175
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

View of the RIGHT side of them:
(pin 09 connected to pin 10 for support only)

  _________________________________ <---7407
  (08) (09) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
_______/_________/__________________\_ <---74LS175
(09) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)

Next we'll add (3) 2.2k pullups on top of the 7407 from pin 14
to pin 10, pin 6, and pin 4. Bend the legs straight out.
View from top:
(14) (13) (12) (11) (10) (09) (08)
| |----------------------(|O|O|O)---'
| I------------------------------------(|O|O|O)-l
) I----------------(|O|O|O)-I | <---7407
| | |
| | |
(01) (02) (03) (04) (05) (06) (07)
                                       | |
Last we connect the 3 transistors center legs (base) to the pins we
the resistors to. I'm showing the transistors standing up looking at the
side but they actually lay on top of the 7407. Run a wire from "Z-out"
at L/M 11 to the collector of all 3 transistors. The emitters of the 3
transistors are wired to unused pins on the card edge connector. Remember
there is no "G" it is :a,b,c,d,e,f,h

             |~~~~~| |~~~~~| |~~~~~|
             | GRN | | BLU | | RED |
             |_____| |_____| |_____|
              | | | | | | | | |
              | | | | | | | | |
              | | Zout | | Zout | | Zout
              | | | | | |
     P20 | | P20 | | P20 | |
     pin3 | pinH | pinC |
                   | | |
                   | | |
             pin 4 pin 10 pin 6
              7407 7407 7407

Last thing to do is put a 100 ohm pull down resistor from each output to
A handy place for this is just where the wire is soldered to the unused pins
P20. There's grounds nearby on both sides. Don't forget to use twisted pairs
wires with one side grounded to connect the RGB outputs to the monitor.
When you have checked everything out, pot the mod with a big blob of
to keep it safe.
Notice how the original "Z-out" is still intact in it's original location,
you can slide the card back into a B&W machine if you want.

The asteroids will be aqua, a bluegreen that looks like monochrome. The ship
and saucer will be magenta (red & blue) Cannon fire will be HIGH white.
The shield will change colors as it gets weaker.
When the ship breaks up the pieces change colors as they tumble thru space
and fade.<<

Received on Fri Feb 5 10:49:03 1999

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