Re: Tempest Spinner Question

From: Mark Jenison <>
Date: Tue Feb 09 1999 - 14:51:55 EST

On Feb 9, 2:21pm, Chris Loggans wrote:
> Subject: Tempest Spinner Question
> I recently acquired a Tempest spinner minus the small board with the optos
> on it. Does anyone know what parts I would need to hack together a
> replacement? Would this even be possible?

I would think you could piece together the components on a small breadboard.
 The hard part to find would be the dual opto, but I got the following
information from Rick Schieve:

Electronics (1-800-826-5432) had various optos cheap so I bought
several kinds to try.  Catalog #OSU-22 (H22A1) are single optos but
using 2 of them in place of the Atari dual opto seems to work fine.
So you could try to build one with these parts.
Mark Jenison                       E-mail address:
Cellular Infrastructure Group      Motorola--Arlington Heights, IL
Received on Tue Feb 9 13:52:16 1999

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