Re: Lunar Lander Test Mode? Anyone?

From: fishd <>
Date: Wed Feb 17 1999 - 18:06:07 EST

At 12:40 PM 2/17/99 -0800, you wrote:
>Somebody must know something about this... Does Lunar Lander display
>anything in its test mode? Or does it just blink LED's? What does LED
>blinking mean?
>The only docs I have are some "preliminary test procedure" stuff from
>Atari (non released), but they seem to indicate a cross-hatch is
>displayed. The only problem is that MAME doesn't show a cross hatch
>(but it looks like test mode might be broken in MAME) nor does my
>Asteroids board running Lunar Lander code. Thing is, I don't know if
>that's right or not! Anyone have a Lunar Lander they can flick into
>test mode and tell me what happens?

Just checked mine, no crosshatch, just the 4 lights cycling
along with four sounds. The display shows some text in the
middle and four numbers in the upper left corner: 8 9 10 11.
I thought it should say ROM OK here ??!!. The center of the
screen displays the number of fuel units per coin and also
the hex value for the thrust controller.

Now here's where it gets interesting.. the schematic shows
several different screens, one of which is the crosshatch, but
you can only get them by grounding pin 10 of the board. There
is no harness connection to this pin so you'll have to do it
with a clip wire. The first display is a 45 degree line from
center to upper right, the second is the crosshatch we all
know and love, the third screen a right pointing 'V', the
last is the decreasing intensity bars. The schematic also
shows the scope traces for each of the displays. Nice.

There you go. Have fun.


David Fish | "We want...Information. INFORMATION
Melrose, MA USA | You won't get it! | By hook or by crook we will" | _The Prisoner_
Received on Wed Feb 17 17:05:29 1999

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