Re: squigglies/jigglies after replacing resistors

From: Dave Downin <>
Date: Thu Feb 25 1999 - 10:22:06 EST

> His problem is probably because he substituted higher
> value resistors. This not only increases the power
> dumped into the resistors (meaning they run extra
> hot), but can cause regulation problems.

I don't think it's due to the substitued resistors...I did the same thing
myself, and it is actually recommended on:

Which is basically help on installing the cap kit from Zanen along with some
other upgrades culled from Gregg W.'s XY bible... I also upgraded to the 5W
resistors because 3W wasn't available and haven't had a problem with shakey

Dave Downin (
        "Sorry, the world is nuts.  It can't be helped" - Arlo Guthrie
                       ArloNet -
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Received on Thu Feb 25 09:22:27 1999

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