WG6100 Question - Ongoing

From: Dennis Shirk <dshirk_at_godfrey.com>
Date: Wed Mar 17 1999 - 18:58:04 EST

Thanks for everyones help thus far on my WG6100 project.

I found 3 bad chasis transistors. Two on the right-hand panal, and one on
the base.

Here is my question...

Between the transistor and the metal monitor panel, there is now a thin
layer of heat sinc goo and the thin piece of plastic. What is keeping the
screws that connect the transistor to the wires on the other side from
shorting on the metal monitor panel, or does it matter??

Some thin plastic bushings came with the new transistors, should they be
used, or does the transistor NEED to ground (via the screws) on the metal
monitor panel?

Thanks for any help!

Received on Wed Mar 17 17:58:47 1999

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