Re: PC power supply conversion question

From: <>
Date: Fri Apr 16 1999 - 11:57:37 EDT

On Fri, 16 Apr 1999, Mark Jenison wrote:

> Personally, I've had no luck in putting a switching power supply in ANY game
> that wasn't JAMMA.

        Pretty much ditto.
> Tron: ended up causing an enormous amount of hum in the speaker line. The
> original power supply board, after repaired, was nice and quiet.

        Ditto on that. I bought a Kickman with a switcher already
installed. There was this BFC (Big Cap.) kludged across the +12V line
and GND. Not liking frankensteined stuff like that, I removed it, and
viola, the sound sounded like crap. (Worse then a hum -- scratchy, etc)

        It really hurt, but I un-hacked the wiring harness, and got the
original PS board back in there, and all is now well.

        IMHO, it is morally wrong to power any audio amp -- even the
cheezy ones in video games, off of anything but a linear supply.

> Joust: caused "Factory settings restored" all the time. This still happens
> with my Joust boardset in my JAMMA cabinet. Repairing the original Williams PS
> is the way to go.
> Defender: causes "bad ram" errors on first power up (powering down and up
> againg fixes it), and sometimes starts up in test mode! Anyone have a Defender
> PS board FS?

        While I agree with you that repairing the original Williams supply
is the way to go for YOUR games, I have had luck replacing the Williams
supplies with switchers, and none of the aforementioned bad stuff
happened. I do this on all the games that I sell, so that I don't have it
coming back to me after a week when the guy runs his game 24/7.
Received on Fri Apr 16 10:57:40 1999

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