WG6100 Rebuild Questions

From: Jim Sulzer <jsulzer_at_mail.execpc.com>
Date: Wed Apr 21 1999 - 22:28:39 EDT


I'm in the middle of rebuilding my WG6100 and I noticed that R920 in the HV
section is "burnt" (darkened in the middle as if it got REALLY hot). I seem
to remember someone else asking about R920 as well. If this resistor was
dissipating too much power, might I assume that T901 and C913 might have
also been stressed (or some other components in the area)? It looks like a
tank circuit so I'm assuming all the current was rolling around in that area
and the other components like Q905 and R917 might be OK. What do you folks

Also, there are 2 chassis mounted transistors on the HV cage that are not
replaced with the cap-kit or any other recommended rebuild proceedures.
Should they be or not?

The Space Duel that this monitor is out of is my first :-) video game and It
had the classic LV regulator burn-up. Somebody had looked at it (the board
was loose) and for some reason they pulled the anode cable out of the Tube.
Hopefully they didn't do anything stupid.

Thanks in advance.


LIFE is what happens while you are busy making plans :-)
Received on Wed Apr 21 21:27:49 1999

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