RE: Vector "come-on" Screen Saver

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Mon May 24 1999 - 10:58:07 EDT

        Is anyone aware of a screen saver that would consist of the
> intro or attraction screens of any vector game? (or even a raster :o)
Aren't there some "make your owe screen-saver" applications out there
that you just feed a bunch of JPG's (or whatever) to and the saver wipes
and fades between them (or bounces them around the screen or whatever.
Someone should put something like that together for vector games... ;-)

> Also, (please excuse my ignorance) what does a Pokey do and where/how
> did it get it's name?
POts and KEYs. Atari 400/800 computer days-- POKEY was responsible for
reading up to 8 "paddle controllers" plugged into a 400/800 (the pots)
and it also talked to the keyboard and handled key interrupts and
whatnot (the keys). There are some timers in there as well, and it
helped handle serial communications as well.

Received on Mon May 24 09:58:31 1999

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