RE: Tempest/Vector Breakout (was Tempest Multigame)

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Wed May 26 1999 - 19:26:35 EDT

> Can you tell if it's power-on or a reset?
Hmmmm. Maybe. I could probably identify good "high score" data in the

> Why bother with the cool reset
> circuit (triggered from P1 & P2) if that's just going to reset the
> machine
> and run the default game. I don't want to have to open the coin door!
> if a warm reset brings up the menu, that no-wait strategy would
> probably
> be better - you'd never know it's a mulit-game without actually
> bringing
> up the menu.
I agree-- I think the "autorun" function doesn't make a lot of sense
when used in conjunction with the "Menu" button arrangement. But for
the people that don't want to see the menu everytime the fire the
machine up it solves that...

> BTW, was breakout on the menu or is that a "hidden" feature
> of the menu system (which will be sort of hidden itself)?
Ehhhh, I think I might just add it to the menu, it's a pretty "complete"
game now.

Received on Wed May 26 18:26:54 1999

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