Re: Tempest Multigame (behaviour)

From: Zonn <>
Date: Wed May 26 1999 - 21:40:38 EDT

On Wed, 26 May 1999 17:43:23 -0700, you wrote:

>(must... get last... word... in... :-)
>> Give the first player two quarters and your premise falls apart. [...]
>> Part of "rules' playing Tempest is that you must
>> always do one restart after making it to your highest level, by doing
>> so it puts you on a level playing field with someone who has a 100
>> quarters.
>Ahhhh-- so we're changing the argument around now! Tricky. ;-)
>> Your premise was wrong, hence your conclusion is flawed.
>You just took the liberty of changing my premise for me. :-) Since it's
>now your premise, you conclusion must then be flawed...
>Tffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffppppppppppp!!!! :-P

I just added one quarter, and I had made that point earlier. It's
part of the un-written rules of Tempest. You must always restart to
get the high score.

>> I think I just figured out the confusion here! You think someone can
>> buy there way to a high score on Tempest!
>> Do you know about the "fall back catch"?
>Yep, but in my experience if I get blown back a step I just replay a
>couple times and keep making headway.

Not at the high levels you won't, you'll come to a halt somewhere and
it won't be level 80!

>> Let's say a player has the skills to only make it to level 20
>> consistently. I allow him to start at level 80.
>> He won't make, and the next time he restarts he's only allowed level
>> 72, he won't make it, then level 65 (I don't remember the real
>> levels), he make be able squeek through around level 27 or so where
>> he'll get level 27's bonus points, but thats really not that much
>> better than were he was and certainly reflects his skill level.
>I think you'll just have to prove this to me sometime. I think there's
>a decent chance that he wouldn't fall back to level 27. He's bound to
>hit one of the 'easier' levels in the fall.

There are no "easier" levels.

>If he gets past *anything*
>post-20 he's just cheated the game and is surviving and getting scoring
>points past his own skill level.

Naw, if he makes it through a level, he has the skills to do so. You
can't just accidently make it to the next level.

Only on the very low dark blues, can you just spin and shoot and
possibly make it, that ability disappears with the "hummers".

>> That's what is so cool and addicting about Tempest, you can't just buy
>> points! If you see a 700,000 point score on Tempest you know the only
>> way the score was put there was by someone getting bonus points at a
>> 700,000 point level. Regardless of how much or little money it took,
>> that guy is a damned good player!
>Yes s/he's a good player. But is he necessarily a better player than the
>guy that started at level one and played up to the *same* level and only
>scored 500,000 as a result?

Absolutely, first off the bonus is not that different, and second,
he/she should have played his first restart, or s/he's not playing the
game correctly. Just like if you don't shoot back you don't make
points, if you don't restart you don't make points. If he/she didn't
restart, then he/she is not as skilled as the player that knows you
must do this. Learn to play the game and you'll get the most points.

>It's not proving the high-scorers are the
>best players, only that they're willing to play multiple games.

Only two. You must restart. And if you do, the points reflect your
skill level.

>We should probably just agree to disagree on this one. I'm sure
>everyone else is tired of it. ;-)

Yeah, what's up with that?? I *know* there are REAL :^) Tempest
players on this list that know exactly what I'm talking about, who
have dumped in the $100 in quarters minimum entry fee to be a good

Ya bunch of cowards!!!

You know who you are! And you know what I'm talking about!

This is not a Clay .vs. Zonn thing, this is a Clay .vs. any long time
Tempest player thing! ;^)

Let's see, to quote Al: "MANY years ago I took a Tempest back to
Milwaukee and left it with some friends with my high score. I said
that anyone that could beat the score could have the game (it was set
to free play). I ended up getting the game back a couple of years
later with my high score still there!

As Zonn said, it doesn't matter if it's on free play or not.."

To quote Chris: "The better player (if everyone has a unlimited amount
of quarters) will always win."

To quote Paul: "<bowing to the Tempest master> even with unlimited
coins, my machine has a high score of about 500,000 - I think I got to
light blue... And remember a stock rev1 Tempest can give unlimited
quarters even when it's not on free play :-)"

I'm not stating an opinion, this is the way Tempest works, I'm only
carry on this discussion with you to make the point that editing the
EAROM *is* different than getting the score by legitimate means, and
that someone that enters 700,000 might never be able to obtain that

And in reality I don't really care about what you "believe" to be true
(Heavy rocks *must* fall faster than light rocks, it only makes
sense!), you're just the damned engineer that has designed the
multi-kits, so I *had* to try and talk you out of it! (Why couldn't
someone like Al have designed this!?! ;^)

Just send me the damned kits, any EAROM editing you can hack in, I can
hack out!!! (And make the hack available to the REAL Tempest


 ;^) ;^) ;^)

  ^ ^ ^
(Be sure to see these, this post is *very* tongue in cheek, and I
think the multi-kit is going to be way cool!)


(This is MY last response on the subject, and my damned check is in
the mail!! ;^) hee. hee.)
Received on Wed May 26 20:41:02 1999

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