WG HV problem

From: Dan Todd <acmech_at_erols.com>
Date: Wed May 26 1999 - 23:24:06 EDT

I was wondering if one of you fine folks might have seen something similar to
what I'm about to describe and help me solve a problem.

I've got a newer style (with the HV trip), WG 6102 HV cages, and the HV varies
by as much as 200 volts. The picture pulses bigger and smaller constantly. Any
clues as to which area to examine?

All my other monitors stay dead on 19 KV when I set them.

I had an HV with a bad transformer and one with a bad focus ass'y and this one
was made by splicing the HV wire from the good transformer to the good screen
control. The splice is good and doesn't appear to be leaking. Could this splice
have something to do with the prob. I know on the latest monitors there is an
additional pot on the neck board that adjusts the brightness. Is is possible
that the screen controls from earlier monitors won't work with later model HV

Now back to the regular Tempest discussion. :)

Thanks in advance for any help,

Received on Wed May 26 22:28:30 1999

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