Re: Tech: Asteroids Deluxe Hack?

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Fri Jun 18 1999 - 10:08:21 EDT

Ok, cool. That would certainly explain it. Would anyone still be interested
in pictures of it? I'll have to listen to the sound at some point and see how
the bass is. I threw a cap kit in the monitor hoping it would fix the vert.
deflection but it didn't. I have found that some of the Y circuit is bad, so
I just need to order some parts (I'm so lazy).


At 09:59 AM 6/18/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Atari put out some anti glare kits for asteroids deluxe and warlords. They
>have the same artwork as the original but were slightly different in angle.
>The DLX one actually claimed to improve the bass. Someone might have
>actually replaced the original bezel in yours with one of these. A local
>distributor used to have a stack of these at one time.
Received on Fri Jun 18 09:11:27 1999

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