RE: Tempest Multigame: Problem?

From: Neil Bradley <>
Date: Thu Jul 22 1999 - 17:56:57 EDT

> So you work for microsoft.
> Tell me how the heck do I write a driver to have direct access to the
> parallel port under NT?

This reminds me of something someone said to me:

"You work for Intel. So why doesn't Proshare work on my x system?"

It boggles the mind how often people think that just because someone works
for a company that they know every single stinking detail about every
aspect of that company. There are divisions at Intel I didn't even know
existed until I read about it in the trade rags!

Or even better:

"You work for Intel. Do you know xxxxxx?" ;-) A Company of 80,000
people... what are the odds?


Neil Bradley Synthcom home :
Synthcom Systems, Inc. Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence on your
ICQ # 29402898 computer!
Received on Thu Jul 22 16:42:48 1999

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