Re: Weird G05 Problem, Please Help

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Fri Jul 23 1999 - 17:12:22 EDT

Hmm.. that is something I haven't checked, although i thought
I tried plugging the y chasis transistors into the x section
(by unmounting the board and angling it just right to use
the plug for the y transistors), although now I'm not sure
if I did or not. Thanks, I'll take a look at that. I'm sure
I'll have *something* new to report on Monday. :) Have a
good weekend everybody!


At 02:27 PM 7/23/99 -0500, Rodger Boots wrote:
>The more you tell about this the more I come to the
>conclusion that, although HIGHLY unlikely, that P600
>(the connector for the chassis transistors) is wired wrong.
>This is about all that could explain why a different board
>fails the same way. NOTHING must connect to pin 2.
>Pin 1 is the case of the 2N3716 and pin 7 is the case of
>the 2N3792.
>Further proof would be if the board didn't blow IF P600
>is unplugged.
>Compare the wiring of P600 to P700. It should be the
Received on Fri Jul 23 16:18:03 1999

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