Re: The force

From: Neil Bradley <>
Date: Tue Aug 31 1999 - 22:41:55 EDT

> > > ps - I thought Kurt just had dealings in CA, but hadn't moved yet. He
> > > resists the force...ask Doug J "the force" convinces people to move to
> > What is this force? I still think MI has a lot of potential for tech
> > yet most the big tech companies move to CA. This "Force" this sounds
> > interesting, perhaps I'll go out for SIGGraph next year and get sucked
in :-)

Um... well, Oregon is no slouch, either. There are tons of companies up here
and even bigger than "silicon valley" in some respects.

> Moving to CA (northern) would be fun if I could afford a place bigger
> than a postage stamp. The games, german shep, siberian husky, and
> various felines all have to fit.

Well, there's plenty of places fairly inexpensive in the Crescent City,
Yreka, and other northern Californian cities. Or did you mean *CENTRAL*
California - near the bay area? I wouldn't mind living in the bay area
myself. I know Intel would transfer me, but the cost of living increase
they'd give me would be minimal to reality.

Received on Tue Aug 31 21:38:25 1999

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