Tempest emulation: what's the best?

From: <nelsonjjjj_at_didactics.com>
Date: Tue Oct 12 1999 - 13:54:58 EDT

What about Tempest in Microsoft arcade played at 640x480 full
screen. looks feels and sounds exact to me, and I have a standup
tempest. It has to be played exactly as specified above or it's
Opinions or rebukes?

Hi David,

> The only way to Play Tempest 2K was on the Jaguar.
> Well worth finding one now just for that game.

Absolutely, it's what I bought my Jaguar for all those years
ago - classic
Minter! All the other versions stink in comparison.

Plus there's an option buried in there somewhere to use a modified
"Driving Controller" as a spinner too.

  TTFN - Pete.

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Received on Tue Oct 12 12:55:02 1999

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