Re: New Vector Monitor Project: LM3886

From: Rodger Boots <>
Date: Fri Nov 05 1999 - 16:10:55 EST

The "flash" you talk about is probably what's called "secondary emission" and is
caused by the beam hitting outside the screen and knocking loose more electrons
that then hit the screen and cause an unfocused glow.

Is that what you're talking about? (This would be SO much easier if I hadn't
sold my games---have to work in the dark).

Clay Cowgill wrote:

> The screen won't flash (as much) when you're hit. Personally I don't like
> the screen flashing, so that's fine by me. ;-)
> Others would disagree though I'm sure... On the other hand, if that gets us
> a replacement vector monitor for the right price that might be an OK
> compromise. (I doubt many people would notice it anyway.)
> I'm still of the opinion that the flash was a "bug" and they decided the
> side-effect was semi-desirable for Star Wars. (You'll notice the Tempest
> screen "lighten" at the end of level zoom too-- that probably shouldn't
> happen.) In Star Wars the enemy fire "disperses" when it hits you
> (basically they zoom the hell out of the shape). If it's a hit near the
> edge of the screen, most of the drawing occurs offscreen and you get a
> "flash" from the black level going up. If you take a hit dead-center the
> flash is much less since less is drawn offscreen.)
> Just my $0.02...
> -Clay
Received on Fri Nov 5 15:13:06 1999

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