Re: New Monitor: Spot Killer & microprocessor issues

From: James Nelson <>
Date: Fri Nov 12 1999 - 23:02:48 EST

Yeah, I like that: 0.1" dual row header it is. That way you can just jam
that board in and go. Now I want to think of a way to design the circuit so
all we have to do is plug in the micro board. No soldering involved.
unplug it, and wow, it still works. worst case, i have to have a simple
upgradable analog daughterboard. I'll think of some way do to it.

Another schematic should be forthcoming in the next couple of days!


----- Original Message -----
From: Clay Cowgill <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 8:56 PM
Subject: RE: New Monitor: Spot Killer & microprocessor issues

> [microcontroller port on new vector monitor]
> > I think I'll route a whole lot more than that through there, so you can
> > control everything with the micro. It may call for a 32 pin dip, or
> > something like that. Would that be OK?
> >
> I'd actuall still recommend going with something like a .1" header (dual
> row). With those I can mount a board vertically with everything we need.
> DIP type socket is best suited to a parallel board (like all my other
> daughtercards) but then we have to worry about clearances and whatnot for
> everything around it... A little harder to just get a "shunt" type
> connection across it for people that don't want the supervisor too.
> -Clay
Received on Fri Nov 12 22:02:52 1999

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