Ok, Here comes the test

From: John Butler <John.Butler_at_asu.edu>
Date: Thu Nov 18 1999 - 10:16:44 EST

I just got a G08 in unknown condition, and would love a before power on test
set of suggestions. I know I could jump right in with both feet and a fire
extinguisher, but I would like to avoid the heart stress. Is there a series
of meter tests that I can do. I would not class myself as a rock, but I am
no expert either. If it is black, I can replace it, if someone tells me
what is wrong I can do the bull work, but I have no real EE experience. I
am a computer tech by trade, so like I said I "ain't no rock." Isn't there
a way to test the flyback based on resistance, other common trouble spots?
I know on my Space Fury I bought from Gaymond ( maybe Zonn worked on the
monitor?) there are 2 big white resistors where one used to be. Should I do
this mod first? I have a cap kit for it, should I just shotgun install that
without the deflection Transistors? I really want to treat this with kid
gloves on, as this is the last part I have needed to start the resurection
of my sitdown Star Trek.

My pulse is racing just thinking about it.....


PS.... Any word on a mutli sound board for the Sega Multigame? That is the
last peice that would make life great for my Space Fury.

Soon Sit Down Star Trek can sit next to the Star Trek the Next Generation
Received on Thu Nov 18 09:16:47 1999

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