Re: Gallaga

From: Tek <>
Date: Sat Nov 27 1999 - 16:11:47 EST

Most of the time ROMS off the internet have names coded in a way these
appear on the game board; for eaxample 136002.103 (part number) or
something like ROM.B3, where B3 indicates the position of the ROM.

You can also check for a laaarge amount of ROMS too see
if you can find a better match for your board.

Next time when you have a question, please post it to RGAVC or so, this
mailinglist is only for Vector, not Raster games...

> stephan wrote:
> Hi !
> I am Stephan from Germany.I have a question and
> I hope you can help me.
> Sorry I'am a newbie !
> I have an Arcardemachine called "Satan of Saturn",
> but the problem is, that the game which is installed
> seems to be "Galaga" and it doesn't work.
> On the Screen I only see the Stars, the name of the game
> and the year "1982".
> I think some Roms are destroid.
> I have the game roms from the Internet (I think that is's
> yours) and I try to reburn the roms, but there are so much files
> that I do not know which rom file should be placed on the
> right eprom.In fact I certainly have 10 eproms.
> I don't know if it's a pirate board.
> The first lager board is green, the second is smaler and blue.
> It is a double Board with 44 Pins.
> By now I don't know what to do and I hope to get some
> little help from you.
Received on Sat Nov 27 15:13:15 1999

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