RE: Anyone need a solder/desolder station?

From: Michael Schulz <>
Date: Wed Dec 01 1999 - 17:16:14 EST

> Clay was giving the vectorlist advance notice and an exclusive
> price which gives him rights to post them here. Plus, Clay has
> donated so much to the vectorlist in terms of techie stuff that
> if we were to kick him off , the list may become lame. ;-)

Who said anything about kicking him off the list? I just mentioned that the
list policy prohibits forsale posts of that particular type.

If the policy changes, then that's fine. There are several people here
who'd like to see forsale traffic on the list. If not, then that's fine
too, but everyone needs to abide by the same policy.
Received on Wed Dec 1 16:13:00 1999

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