Happy Fun Band...

From: Doug Jefferys <dougj_at_hwcn.org>
Date: Thu Dec 09 1999 - 16:05:43 EST

...I actually got a little curious as to the metal rim band of a CRT and
did some poking around on USENET. As a matter of fact, a few people
*have* removed it while the tube was under vacuum and lived to tell
about it, but only barely:


In a nutshell, taunting happy fun band results in an almost immediate
implosion. Two separate incidents:

"The thing imploded while I was unwinding the metal band. Scared the
 hell out of the cat who seemed to disappear into thin air."

"after he cut the rimband, the picture tube imploded in his face,
 imbedding the neck and yoke assembly in the ceiling, he came out with
 a cut about half an inch above his right eye that needed 6 stitches to


 dougj   |
   @     |
hwcn.org |
Received on Thu Dec 9 15:05:46 1999

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