Re: Tempest on top as we go into the new millennium

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Tue Jan 04 2000 - 14:20:24 EST

Hmm.. A quick glance reveals that you have a classic arcade? How does
that work exactly? (how well does it do is probably a better question).. No
wonder you buy so much stuff off ebay :)


At 01:36 PM 01/04/2000 -0500, you wrote:
> >A quick check of VAPS this morning showed that Tempest finished 1999, the
> >decade, the century and the millennium at the top of the "top collected
> >game" statistics.
>In fact, if you discount the "board only" collections, Tempest is ahead by
>a *wide* margin. If VAPS would add an extra field that capture multiple
>hits per game per collector, I would guess that Tempest would be even more
>dramatically ahead of the pack. I know of quite a few folks who have
>multiple Tempests in their collection (i.e., different cab styles) and VAPS
>does not capture this.
> >Not surprisingly, Ms. Pacman has been hot on the heels of
> >Tempest during 1998/1999.
>Although ranked on the basis of dedicated cabs only, Ms.Pac isn't even
>close! :-)
> >Will 2000 be the year that the last storefront arcade closes? For years
> >now, vector games have been relegated to collector's basement arcades. In
> >fact, there's so few vector games out there, I'll bet that we could catalog
> >all of vector cabinets available to the general population in storefront
> >arcades and family entertainment centers.
>It's been done to a great extent already:
>Here's a list of know Tempests, for example:
>If you know of other locations, please submit them here:
Received on Tue Jan 4 13:21:04 2000

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