Re: Farewell to UT's vectorlist

From: Neil Bradley <>
Date: Wed Jan 12 2000 - 15:39:23 EST

> > In any case, everyone needs to know that there was no ill feelings
> > anywhere on my part. I had an overwhelming number of requests (18 so far)
> Tee-Hee. That's pretty funny. Right before its demise, there
> were about 175 people subscribed to the list. 18/175 = 10.3% Not an
> overwhelming majority by any means. Most people forget that the concept
> of the "Silent Majority" is generally valid.

Make that "overwhelming majority of the non-lurkers".

> Starting a "rogue vectorlist" sealed the fate of both vectorlists,
> IMHO. You've not solved anything.

Time will tell.

> Even when my personal situations sort themselves out, I,
> personally will not subscribe to your list, strictly on principle.

Makes no difference to me.

> > ran the list. Right now there are 62 listmembers on the
> > - How many were on the old list?
> 175. You're about 1/3 of the way there.

92 Now. Not too bad for a mailing list not 24 hours old.

> > I can archive the messages here, too. I've started an archive of the newer
> > messages as well.
> The point is that the archives of messages for the past 1 1/2
> years need to be preserved. When the list is dissolved at UT, the
> archives will most likely go away. This is clearly bad.

As I stated before, I can archive them as well or provide a home for them.


Neil Bradley Synthcom home :
Synthcom Systems, Inc. Y2K Dumbness - "Instant noodle meals are disappearing."
ICQ # 29402898 "Hordes coming for my Ramen stash? I'm getting my gun."
Received on Wed Jan 12 14:25:20 2000

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