Re: The first 25" Major Havoc lives!

From: Gregg Woodcock <>
Date: Tue Feb 08 2000 - 01:48:37 EST

> What's that giant rumbling noise I hear? Everyone rushing out to there
workshops to look for "that darned wells gardner yoke I left at here
> So you did end up using the WG 6100 yoke, correct? What is the model
number of the tube you used? Do you know if the tube was medium or low res?

FYI, I have 3 or 4 NOS WG 6100 yokes PLUS 1 that was NOS until I dropped it
that is in a bag of about 50 shards of plastic which could be glued back
together if somebody was insane enough to try (didn't have the heart to
throw it out). Let me know if anybody wants to trade or buy...

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