Re: Richardson

From: tom mcclintock <>
Date: Wed Feb 09 2000 - 10:19:38 EST

I was told (by Richardson) that they make nothing. They only buy from
overseas, and are a sales channel. Now if enough people wanted to
purchase a specific item, I'm sure they would find a source.

If James Nelson wanted to work with Richardson on his new vector monitor
design, I'm sure they would be willing to talk.


"Keith, Brendan" wrote:
> Why would a company who shapes glass bubbles want to start
> making bent sheet metal frames, or stuffing parts onto circuit boards?
> (Not sure which definition of 'chassis' you're referring to.)
> Looks like one of the hobbyists is going to have to gear up for that.
> --
> Brendan Keith
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Magiera, Joe (AIT) []
> So if Richardson Electronics makes vector tubes just for the vector head
> collecting community, anyone thing there's any chance into talking them into
> making new chassis' also?
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Received on Wed Feb 9 10:35:49 2000

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