Re: WTB: WG6100 tube

From: Zonn <>
Date: Wed Feb 09 2000 - 12:51:22 EST

On Wed, 09 Feb 2000 07:54:31 -0800, you wrote:

>On Wed, 9 Feb 2000 09:00:56 Fish, David wrote:
>>Oh Jeez! Don't go by what I say, I never do! I'm far from being an
>>expert on the subject. I was relating to you what a tube rebuilder
>>told me and he could have been mistaken. The only way we're going to
>>solve this is by either finding an old RCA and/or Rauland data book
>>or sheet for these tubes. Although it may be possible to measure the
>>number of triads per inch and compare. Hmmmmm...
>Now there's an idea! Doh! I could set my SW upright with the amplifone/M48 tube on one of the crosshatch patterns in the self test and could attempt to count the number of pixels per inch. I could also do it it using a WG6100 with a 19VLUP22 tube, to serve as a reference. Didn't you say you had an Amplifone with a 19VNJP22 tube in your Quantum? If you try it on that, perhaps we could nail this down once and for all. ;-)

The difference in pixel size between a low and medium res tube is very easily
seen. You shouldn't need to count anything.

You won't even need to turn them on. Simply put the two tubes side by side
and the med res tube will have noticeably smaller pixels. If you're comparing
a low res tube and an unknown res tube side by side, and the pixels on both
look the same size, they are. The difference is not that subtle.

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Received on Wed Feb 9 13:05:18 2000

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