Re: ST Speech

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Thu Mar 02 2000 - 01:30:08 EST

>We know the speech is there, it's documented and
>there are wav files for MAME so someone had to
>sample them. Is it possible that a component failure
>either on the speech board or CPU board would prevent
>these phrases from being triggered or is it possible to
>force the speech board to say these (for testing purposes) ?

I'll actually wager a guess that someone manually triggered the samples from
a sound board for the sake of recording them. It's possible that they just
triggered phrases that aren't normally used in game-play.

Someone should patch MAME to log all write to the sound-board I/O port
latches and play a few complete games of startrek and run through all the
self-test. See what phrases writes get logged.

(Didn't you do this once upon a time, Al?)

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