Gravitar in my Space Duel?

From: tom mcclintock <>
Date: Fri Mar 10 2000 - 16:01:08 EST

So after six months, I now have a working Space Duel in my house. And
without missing a beat, I want to put one of my Gravitar boards in the
cabinet and play that as well. I know there are control panel
differences, and the harness is *supposed* to be the same.

However, after studying the pinouts, it seems Gravitar asks for the
+Sense and a +5V in a different location that the Space Duel harness
provides. (specifically, the SD harness provides +Sense on pin 21, while
the Gravitar board looks for Ground on Pin 21, + Sense on Pin Z and +5V
on pin Y)

Assuming I plug my Gravitar board into the SD harness, what will happen
to the Gravitar board without the proper Sense and +5V ?

Thanks in advance.
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Received on Fri Mar 10 16:32:56 2000

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