Re: Asteroids Deluxe backlight

From: jason Milsom <>
Date: Thu Mar 23 2000 - 21:52:02 EST

 I have to disagree with Rodger (sorry Rodger) in that the 15 watt blue
black light is not the one to use (the type that looks blue or black
when not lit). In my experience these simply aren't bright enough to
illuminate the background on AD. You can hardly tell the difference when
it's on or off! The bulb that seems to work best is the 15 watt Black
light that is white when not lit. These are usually sold as Plant and
Aquarium or "wide spectrum" bulbs and can be bought at just about any
hardware store. They are bright enough that you will barely see the
outline reflecting from the tube, but as long as you make sure the light
isn't shining directly onto the screen (i.e. all the cardboard thingys
are in place) it isn't too noticeable. Or you can tone it down with the
U.V. tinting film as was discussed on the list a few months ago.

Jason Milsom

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