Re: Asteroids Deluxe backlight - a late response

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Tue Mar 28 2000 - 10:37:29 EST

This is a bit late, but I was out of town (driving a Nascar :)..

I found that after I put in a black black light in my Asteroids Deluxe, I had only one complaint. The background was pretty dim. Since I knew the game was probably filthy inside, I broke out the Windex and cleaned both sides of the mirror and monitor glass. I also pulled off the blue tinted sheet and cleaned it real good and wiped down the backdrop and black sides. After cleaning everything I could think of, it really looked crisp and bright.

Then I installed the monitor and fixed the game board only to find that the tube itself was glowing from the black light. All of a sudden, the once crisp backdrop was now really tough to see, and the game itself tough to play. At Rodger's suggestion, I went to Home Depot and picked up some bluish-grey automobile UV tint. I cut out a piece and placed it right on the tube itself, using some Windex to get the air pockets out and to position it. When I put the monitor back in, I was in awe at how great the game looked. Of course, the main board died after a couple games :(

I had a second chance to install the UV tint when a friend bought an AD. This time, I decided to tape it underneath the monitor bezel. Big mistake. Since I am a perfectionist and I ended up with a couple abnormalities on my machine, I figured I could do better if it was installed away from the tube a little. Unfortunately, when I installed the monitor afterwards, the tube stuck to the UV film and stretched it. I was able to use a ruler to pull it off, but a month later, it has managed to hit the tube again (and is still touching a little).

I'm thinking the best place to put the UV tint is probably underneath the monitor bezel with the blue plastic filter under it. This way the monitor won't stick to the UV stuff. (this option wasn't available to me with my friend's game since they didn't have the blue tint). I haven't tried the white black light, but I can't believe these games had the tube glow when they were first sold. It is really unplayable with the insides all cleaned and using the black black light.


At 06:21 PM 3/23/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>The only problem I have with BBL (blue, the dark common vers) is that
>a heavy amount of "screen background" from the CRT is reflected. I
>see the outline of the CRT along with the Vectors. This CRT
>background reflection occurs even with the monitor off and the
>blacklight still on. Wasn't this recently addressed however? Sorry
>if I missed it. I do recall a post about possibly using automotive
>tint.....did that help reduce or eliminate that effect?
>James Hagen

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